Mental Health Myths with Erin Kerry – Episode 10

by | Aug 10, 2021 | Podcast

We are in for a huge treat on this episode, friends. Erin Kerry, a certified integrative nutrition health coach and survivor of mental illness, joins me to talk all things mental health. 

As a survivor of bipolar disorder, Erin has been medication-free for 6 years and counting, after addressing the root triggers that caused her so much mental instability early in her life. Because of this, she believes everything in our body is connected, and that a whole body approach is key to managing our health. Erin runs a nutrition coaching business, Sparking Wholeness, and lives in Tyler, TX with her three children and husband who is a pastor/counselor.

As you can see, Erin and I share similar perspectives on whole body health! Today we talk about five mental health myths, the contribution genes and our environment make to our bodies, and how to advocate for yourself on your health journey.  I know you’re going to be encouraged by this conversation! 

Resources Mentioned

Things to Remember

1. Genes load the gun, but the environment pulls the trigger. Like Erin shared, two people can have the same genetic makeup but have it manifest differently. Beyond our genes, stressors and trauma, both physically and emotionally, impact our health. I love how Erin broke this down in such practical, helpful ways during our conversation.

2. There’s room for both. When approaching mental health, the conversation is often separated between medicine or holistic routes. But here, Erin shared a beautiful perspective on there being room for both, especially as you’re just beginning a proactive journey. One helpful suggestion is to look at what will be depleted due to your medicine and supplement well there. (For example, if B vitamins are being depleted, it would be important to supplement those since B’s are so key for our neurotransmitters.)

3. It’s not “just a chemical imbalance.” Historically, most mental health illnesses are attributed to a chemical imbalance in the brain. And while imbalances are certainly a factor, there are many other bodily connections too. Like Erin reminded us, serotonin, GABA, and more come from the gut. It’s helpful and important to consider all of our organs and body systems when we have this conversation.

The Wellness Wrap-Up

A new rhythm, perspective, or change you’ve made in your life to achieve a life that’s more wholly well.

Erin shared that she and her husband recently started playing tennis. The mixture of all good things: sunshine, movement, the group and community aspect, and learning something new have been so refreshing. Sometimes you just need good clean fun! It’s a new rhythm that she’s enjoying, and believes it will impact many aspects of her life.

Meet the Guest

Erin Kerry

As a survivor of bipolar disorder, Erin has been medication-free for 6 years and counting, after addressing the root triggers that caused her so much mental instability early in her life. Because of this, she believes everything in our body is connected, and that a whole body approach is key to managing our health. Erin runs a nutrition coaching business, Sparking Wholeness, and lives in Tyler, TX with her three children and husband who is a pastor/counselor.