Dieting, Hormones, & Fitness With Kylie Larson – Episode 28

by | Apr 28, 2022 | Podcast

Grab a glass of lemon water and listen in for today’s episode with my friend Kylie Larson. You’re not going to want to miss this one! 

Kylie is the founder of Lift to Get Lean, and her passion lies in changing lives and helping clients reach their full potential in all areas of life. While pursuing her own goals, she learned that nutrition is the single most important thing when it comes to reaching your goals and, the more she learned about nutrition, the more she realized that what we eat is rarely about the food. Kylie often asks you to go deeper and examine your thoughts around yourself, food, exercise, and diet.

In today’s episode we talk about our powerful mindset around food and fitness, how to calculate your maintenance calories, how to lose fat respectfully, the non-curse of perimenopause, reverse dieting, and of course my favorite for women, WEIGHT LIFTING!

Today’s episode is a wonderful resource and one you’re going to want to share with a friend! Let me know what one thing you’re going to implement from the episode—mine is eating my carbs more in the middle of the day, around my workouts! 

Thanks for being in my corner, as always! 

xo, Kels 

Resources Mentioned

Things to Remember

1) Should, can’t, and shouldn’t will kill us. Kylie says she doesn’t want to be doing things out of obligation, and doesn’t want women to do this either! We need to reclaim our lives, making sure we’re saying yes for the right reasons. We need to hold our “yes” very close and understand that we are in control of our schedule. We really do choose more than we realize and a lot of power comes from this!

2) We’re never going to be “there.” We have to have grace, flexibility, and balance in settling in, and agreeing to be okay in a middle ground. I loved this tip from Kylie and resonated with this big time! There is no mountain-top to chase worth sacrificing your health for. Choosing to rest, celebrate, and honor the hard work you have put in is so important. Can I get an amen?!

3) The body is burning calories all day long just to breathe and sustain life! Like a car on idle, we are always needing gas. If you can understand how and why the body works, and where calorie burn comes from, you can take charge of your health for good. Knowledge is power when it comes to physiology. I loved this tip, and hope more and more women will choose awareness when it comes to their bodies! 

4) Perimenopause 101: It’s not rocket science! Stress management, strength training, and proper protein & nutrition are KEY. Our bodies are made to go through perimenopause just like we are made to have babies. We are equipped to handle this; we just need some tools in our toolbox. 

5) Weight lifting is KING. You will burn more calories AFTER the lifting session, and it will build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories you can handle. You burn more calories just sitting there than you ever could running. It is a myth that we need to go on a run to burn off our food – this will only lead to a vicious cycle! I loved her weight tips and felt even more empowered to be upping my weight. 

6) Fasting & Females: They don’t belong together! If you are overweight and sedentary, maybe. If you are active, there is zero benefit beyond your basic overnight fast (8pm-6am). Fasting should never exist unless stress is low low low. Stress has never been higher in our culture, and without proper stress management, we cannot have control of anxiety! Don’t fall prey to the lie that fasting will benefit you.

The Wellness Wrap-Up

A new rhythm, perspective, or change you’ve made in your life to achieve a life that’s more wholly well.

Prioritizing rest was #1 for Kylie! Coming from swimming where she did twice a day workouts, having two rest days was a huge game changer. It’s okay to rest, and to be that example for other women. Rest rest rest…and do it without guilt!

Meet the Guest

Kylie Larson

Kylie is the founder of Lift to Get Lean, and her passion lies in changing lives and helping clients reach their full potential in all areas of life. While pursuing her own goals, she learned that nutrition is the single most important thing when it comes to reaching your goals and, the more she learned about nutrition, the more she realized that what we eat is rarely about the food. Kylie often asks you to go deeper and examine your thoughts around yourself, food, exercise, and diet.