Creating a Life You Love with Matthew Allyn – Episode 21

by | Jan 19, 2022 | Podcast

Note: Today’s episode does have some language in it! Wanted you to be aware in case you’re listening around kids.

Today’s guest will wake you up, so get ready friends! Matthew Allyn is a vibrant human being (seriously), a pro risk-taker, entrepreneur, fitness fanatic and general life enthusiast. He’s also a coach who helps various people across all paths of life step into monetizing their passion.

After graduating with a civil engineering degree and pursuing the corporate life for 3 years, he hit his quarter-life crisis which led him to riding his bike across the United States in 2016. At the end of that trip, he truly realized that life was journey not a destination. He vowed to pursue daily happiness and no longer work for someone else’s dream or someone else’s idea of “success.” In 2018, he quit civil engineering in NYC and moved to Denver, CO to finally pursue his passion as a Personal Trainer. Since then he has founded the Personal Trainer Business Accelerator, a 90-day mentorship to help personal trainers grow to earning 10k months and is now helping the dispassionate employee quit their corporate job to pursue their passion full time.

In our episode today, we’re talking about the courage to make a change, how the pursuit of happiness impacts everything, where to start if you’re ready to create a life you truly love, and so much more. I can’t wait to hear what inspires you as you listen!

Resources Mentioned

Things to Remember

1) You’re never too young or too old to make a change. Matt’s energy and encouragement to not simply live your life for the weekend is such a good reminder. Whether it’s changing your livelihood or simply a part of your daily routine, what shifts were you inspired to pursue after listening?

2) The journey IS it! The cliche is true: there is no destination. As humans, we never actually arrive. There’s always learning and growth to be experienced. Instead of arriving at a certain destination, let’s pursue daily happiness. Like Matt encouraged us to consider: How can you create a life that you love to wake up to every single day?

3) Our words hold power. Change can bring up a lot of fear inside of us. Part of how we combat this is in the power of our speech! Instead of “I’m a terrible speaker,” replace it with “I have value to share.” Instead of “I’m so nervous,” try “I show up with confidence.” Proverbs 18:21 says life and death are in the power of the tongue, and this applies to every area of our lives!

4) What makes you happy? I love Matt’s encouragement for us to think through this question, especially in relation to our workouts. Daily movement is important, and we’re much more likely to see consistency in this area when we’re doing a type of exercise we love.

The Wellness Wrap-Up

A new rhythm, perspective, or change you’ve made in your life to achieve a life that’s more wholly well.

Matt shared that “Lately I’ve been focusing on the mantra ‘The happier I am, the more successful I am.’ The things that bring me joy fuel me to be better in all aspects of my life.”  Instead of just working ourselves into success, there is power in filling our cup so we can show up and serve others well. So true, Matt!

Meet the Guest

Matthew Allyn

After graduating with a civil engineering degree and pursuing the corporate life for 3 years, he hit his quarter-life crisis which led him to riding his bike across the United States in 2016. At the end of that trip, he truly realized that life was journey not a destination. He vowed to pursue daily happiness and no longer work for someone else’s dream or someone else’s idea of “success.” In 2018, he quit civil engineering in NYC and moved to Denver, CO to finally pursue his passion as a Personal Trainer. Since then he has founded the Personal Trainer Business Accelerator, a 90-day mentorship to help personal trainers grow to earning 10k months and is now helping the dispassionate employee quit their corporate job to pursue their passion full time.